Saturday, May 22, 2010


Ashton updates:
Today Ashton accidentally pulled the baby-doll out of the stroller. At first, she was kinda shocked/scared, but then she got really excited and pulled the doll up to her mouth and "kissed" its head. I ran to get the camera, and when I got back and I was getting set up to take pics she took the headband off the doll.

After I started taking pics I told her to "kiss" the baby and she obliged.

Then she picked up the headband and tried to put the headband back on and looked at it all confused when she couldn't get it to stay on.

Then we moved from "kissing" the baby to biting it's hand... I guess we'll have to talk about that. ;)

Her crawling pose. Although she doesn't technically she more body crawls... with almost equal speed.

Every once in a while Ashton off-sets her jaw to the side and smiles.... it cracks me up... especially since she only has the two teeth! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are marvelous, Mrs. Simply marvelous. She's growing faster than a chia pet!