Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We went to Grisamore Farms to pick out pumpkins the Monday before Halloween. When we asked where the pumpkin patch was, they told us, but added that most of the good pumpkins were up around the store and that there weren't a whole lot of good pumpkins in the field anymore.

That was kinda an understatement. lol... we found some that would "work", but finally decided to go get some from up by the store since we couldn't find 4 that would "work". The people at the store said that they'd had an abnormally bad crop this year and that next year we should come about a week and a half to two weeks before Halloween to make sure that we got a good pumpkin and that it didn't go bad before Halloween. :) So next year, we'll hit it the Saturday before Halloween and stay to do the hay rides and corn maze as well. :)

One of the ladies in the shop was super nice and agreed to take a family photo. I just wish the trees in the background had shown up. They were brilliant yellow, orange, and red... just like in the first photo with Britton and Ashton's car seat. :)

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