Friday, September 18, 2009


It's interesting to me how my girls look alike and yet so different. Lexi has always so obviously looked like my family and Ashton looks distinctly more like Britton's family, and yet they look so much like each other. It's weird!

Alexis (left) and Ashton (right)

Well, my mom came out about a week after Ashton was born to help us transition from one form of family life to another and, I have to say, we could not have done it without her! She was so indispensible to me! Taking care of my girls so I could get some much needed rest, sewing together curtains for my house! Cleaning and cooking and cleaning some more! What a huge help! I'm not sure who appreciated it more, Britton, Alexis, or I!

We had lot's of good times and one day even got daring enough to go to the beach at Meyer's Point and have some fun! What a GORGEOUS place! The water is clear and cool, but not too cold! And the cute little light house and all the sail boats just make it look so picturesque!

There is also a little playground there, so we all played for a couple of hours (till Ashton needed to eat) and then went home for some lunch and a much needed nap! Lexi went a couple more times with her Mormor and had a blast collecting shells and playing on the playground.

1 comment:

The Southwicks said...

Ashton looks beautiful, congrats! Hope you guys are doing well in New York!